May 21, 2009

The Countdown Begins

You can always tell when the school year is wrapping up because things become crazy busy! I recently finished my second year as coordinator for M.W. Savage's Science Expo which is put on in combination with Explore Night. I had amazing results- we doubled in student participation and increased by 25% in the number of projects submitted. Check out the pictures!

Only 9 more days of school left and all is hectic! The annual talent show was today and went off (almost) without a hitch. I'm glad I have an awesome co-worker to run the school's sound system with!

I also found out today that I will once again be teaching first grade summer school at nearby Hidden Valley Elementary. I know- you're thinking summer school is boring, but it's actually a ton of fun because first graders think summer school is cool! And who wouldn't want a class size of 10 kids?!?

If I manage to survive the next two crazy weeks of field day, field trips, and the awards ceremony, I plan to spend the summer gardening and camping.... I could also work

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